Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances (ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO) LOT 1


Financial support to partnerships between education and enterprises that innovate in the education sector.

Main purpose: This call finances partnerships comprising actors from higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research, that aim to:

  • foster new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning: fostering innovation in education design and delivery, teaching methods, assessment techniques, learning environments and/or developing new skills;
  • foster corporate social responsibility (e.g. equity, inclusion, climate change, environmental protection and sustainable development);
  • improve the quality and relevance of skills developed and certified through education and training systems (including new skills and tackling skills mismatches);
  • facilitate the flow and co-creation of knowledge between higher education and vocational education and training, research, the public sector and the business sector;
  • build and support effective and efficient higher education and vocational education and training systems, which are connected and inclusive, and contribute to innovation;
  • support the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU.

These partnerships between education and enterprises are transnational and shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, which should be adaptable to future knowledge developments across the EU. The focus must be on confronting societal and economic challenges such as: climate change, changing demographics, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and rapid employment changes, and the output must relate to social innovation, community resilience and labour market innovation.

Programme: Erasmus+ Programme

Institution: European Commission - European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Budget: 61 million EUR

Financing type: Lump sum grant

Who is eligible: Partnerships must cover at least 4 Programme countries, involving a minimum of 8 full partners. The partnership must include at least 3 labour market actors (enterprises or companies, or representative intermediary organisations, such as chambers, trade unions or trade associations) and at least 3 education and training providers (VET and/or HEIs), as full partners. There should be at least one HE institution and one VET provider involved as full partner in each proposal. Organisations looking for partners are advertised here.

Financing Type:
Funding Theme:
Education and Training
Target Geographies:
EU Member States
EEA countries
EFTA countries
Candidate countries