Transforming education systems: what role for private impact finance?

- 3:30-5:00 pm CET | Convening | Online
Transforming education systems: what role for private impact finance?

Many would agree that the education systems in their countries needs to change to better serve learners and societies. To many education experts, it is also obvious that incremental changes will not be sufficient and fundamental shifts in education systems are required to meet current and future challenges of humankind. The International Commission on the Futures of Education established by UNESCO last year identified key opportunity zones of such a transformation. These include curricula development and pedagogic methods; teachers, teaching and the teaching profession; inclusive, safe and healthy schools and learning environments; digitalisation - and education finance.

While education is often considered a common good and therefore the main responsibility of governments, it is also the priority of many private impact financiers and investors. Still, the current role of private impact finance in the much-needed education transformation falls short of its potential.

This curated deep dive is a first opportunity to start exploring these questions further based on participants own focus and experience as well as the result of the discussions of the UN Transforming Education Summit in New York in September 2022. As a concrete outcome of this meeting, we hope to gain a better understanding which of the opportunity zones for education transformation are the most challenging and at the same time hold the greatest promise for the best leverage of private impact finance, joint action and public-private collaboration.

This session was hosted by EVPA in cooperation with Jacobs Foundation. It will be facilitated by Anja König, lead Transformative Finance at EVPA. 

This event targets decision makers of leading public, private and philanthropic education financiers in both high-, middle- and low-income countries (EVPA members and non-members). It is by invitation only to ensure effective interaction in a trusted environment.
If you have not been invited yet, but are interested to join, please register to provide us with some more information about your background and motivation!

If you missed the event and would like to have access to the recordings, please contact Anja König at akoenig(at)


Supported by Jacobs Foundation and BMW Foundation


At EVPA we believe that new methods and approaches are needed to enhance the contribution of capital to the kind of transformation required today. While societal problems are complex and interconnected, financing solutions are usually developed and applied in an isolated and disconnected manner. For this reason, the EVPA Transformative Finance Initiative in partnership with the Jacobs Foundation and in consultation with the impact finance community developed the Transformative Finance Lab (TFL).

The TFL is a process using a combination of experimentation, innovation and systems thinking methods that allow financiers and other stakeholders to co-sense existing realities, to explore future opportunities and to co-create practical solutions to financing challenges on a topic that matters to TFL participants. This meeting will provide an opportunity for participants to experience and learn more about TFL methods while exploring areas of common interest around the financing of education transformation.

For more questions, please contact Anja König, Lead Transformative Finance akoenig(at)